Saturday, September 26, 2020

Range Tee Renovation


I am pleased to announce that we are moving forward with a driving range tee renovation.  Our goal is to ensure a good stand of turf allowing members to use the grass tee more than in the past.  I would like to see the mats used only on Mondays, for outside events, and after rain events.  I believe that with our renovation plan, we will be able to accomplish this.

On Monday the 28th, a contractor will be on site to till and laser level the entire range tee so that there will be a 1 percent slope from north to south and from east to west.  This will ensure a good surface drainage of moisture and a quicker drying of the teeing surface.  Once this is complete, we will then seed a well proven variety of bluegrass for the hitting area.  Turf Blue HGT is the name of this variety and it has performed very well throughout the transition zone in range tee and fairway type situations.  Some colleagues have also touted its ability to withstand abuse during the heat of the summer.  Choosing a bluegrass over zoysia should allow us to use the grass tee deeper into the year since it doesn’t transition into dormancy as early.  This variety also grows with rhizomes, meaning it grows laterally similar to bentgrass and bermudagrass.   Below are a couple pictures of this turf in Kirksville, MO on August 20th. 



I am confident that this turf will stand up to the abuse of a full golf season and will be able to fill in divots through the heat of the summer where the bentgrass failed to do so.  Once the seed has been planted it will be 14-20 days before we see germination.  I plan on applying some pre-plant fertilizer to help jump start the new seedlings and from there on we will push it has hard as we can until the cold weather shuts the grass down for the year.  Once the weather starts to break in March, we will start pushing the new turf hard again.  We will do everything possible in order to get members on the grass as early as possible in 2021.  Again, I am very excited about this project and believe that there will be more time spent hitting off the grass in the future.  As always, stop me with questions or have the proshop relay any to me.