Thursday, May 15, 2014


You will see dollar spot on our bentgrass from time to time.  It is a fungal disease that attacks bentgrass the entire growing season.  It started this year right around the second week in May.  We will see it all the way through October.  We treat for it every two to three weeks.  It is a fungus that damages the plant from the leaf tip back to the crown.  Our variety of bentgrass (princeville) is very susceptible to dollar spot so we always will be on our toes.

We don't always have blanket coverage for the fungus but this disease will not kill the grass quickly.  It will look similar to the photo above after it has been allowed to go untreated for a few weeks.  We have some active dollar spot on some tees and fairways now.  After we apply the fungicide the fungus will stop infecting the plant and the plant will grow out of the damage in a week or so.  It is more of a nuisance than a serious threat, but if it is left uncontrolled for a long period of time it will kill grass.